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Luke 1:29
Hati Maria runsing mendengar kata-kata itu dan dia tertanya-tanya akan maksud salam tersebut
<3588> <1161> <1909> <3588> <3056> <1298> <2532> <1260> <4217> <1510> <3588> <783> <3778>
AV: And <1161> when she saw <1492> (5631) [him], she was troubled <1298> (5681) at <1909> his <846> saying <3056>, and <2532> cast in her mind <1260> (5711) what manner <4217> of salutation <783> this <3778> should be <1498> (5751).
Luke 3:15
Orang ramai menanti-nanti dengan penuh harapan dan mereka tertanya-tanya dalam hati tentang Yohanes kalau-kalau dialah Kristus itu
<4328> <1161> <3588> <2992> <2532> <1260> <3956> <1722> <3588> <2588> <846> <4012> <3588> <2491> <3379> <846> <1510> <3588> <5547>
AV: And <1161> as the people <2992> were in expectation <4328> (5723), and <2532> all men <3956> mused <1260> (5740) in <1722> their <846> hearts <2588> of <4012> John <2491>, whether <3379> (0) he <846> were <1498> (5751) the Christ <5547>, or not <3379>; {in expectation: or, in suspense} {mused: or, reasoned, or, debated}