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Luke 1:7
Tetapi mereka tidak mempunyai anak kerana Elisabet mandul dan kedua-duanya pun telah lanjut usia
<2532> <3756> <1510> <846> <5043> <2530> <1510> <3588> <1665> <4723> <2532> <297> <4260> <1722> <3588> <2250> <846> <1510>
AV: And <2532> they <846> had <2258> (5713) no <3756> child <5043>, because <2530> that Elisabeth <1665> was <2258> (5713) barren <4723>, and <2532> they <846> both <297> were <2258> (5713) [now] well stricken <4260> (5761) in <1722> years <2250>.
Luke 1:36
Tambahan pula saudaramu Elisabet yang dahulu dikatakan mandul pun telah hamil enam bulan walaupun dia sudah tua
<2532> <2400> <1665> <3588> <4773> <4675> <2532> <846> <4815> <5207> <1722> <1094> <846> <2532> <3778> <3376> <1623> <1510> <846> <3588> <2564> <4723>
AV: And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), thy <4675> cousin <4773> Elisabeth <1665>, she <846> hath <4815> (0) also <2532> conceived <4815> (5761) a son <5207> in <1722> her <846> old age <1094>: and <2532> this <3778> is <2076> (5748) the sixth <1623> month <3376> with her <846>, who <3588> was called <2564> (5746) barren <4723>.