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Mark 15:40
Beberapa orang wanita menyaksikan segala-galanya dari jauh Antara mereka ialah Maria Magdalena serta Maria ibu Yakobus Muda dan Yoses serta Salome
<1510> <1161> <2532> <1135> <575> <3113> <2334> <1722> <3739> <2532> <3137> <3588> <3094> <2532> <3137> <3588> <2385> <3588> <3398> <2532> <2500> <3384> <2532> <4539>
AV: There <1161> were <2258> (5713) also <2532> women <1135> looking <2334> (5723) on afar <3113> off <575>: among <2532> <1722> whom <3739> was <2258> (5713) Mary <3137> Magdalene <3094>, and <2532> Mary <3137> the mother <3384> of James <2385> the less <3398> and <2532> of Joses <2500>, and <2532> Salome <4539>;