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Mark 6:19
Akibatnya Herodias menaruh dendam terhadap Yohanes dan hendak membunuhnya tetapi hasratnya terhalang
<3588> <1161> <2266> <1758> <846> <2532> <2309> <846> <615> <2532> <3756> <1410>
AV: Therefore <1161> Herodias <2266> had a quarrel <1758> (5707) against him <846>, and <2532> would <2309> (5707) have killed <615> (5658) him <846>; but <2532> she could <1410> (5711) not <3756>: {a quarrel: or, an inward grudge}
Mark 8:4
Para murid Yesus menjawab Di tempat terpencil ini di mana hendak dicari roti yang cukup untuk semua orang ini
<2532> <611> <846> <3588> <3101> <846> <3754> <4159> <5128> <1410> <5100> <5602> <5526> <740> <1909> <2047>
AV: And <2532> his <846> disciples <3101> answered <611> (5662) him <846>, From whence <4159> can <1410> (5695) a man <5100> satisfy <5526> (5658) these <5128> [men] with bread <740> here <5602> in <1909> the wilderness <2047>?
Acts 27:39
Apabila hari siang mereka melihat daratan yang tidak dikenali di situ ada teluk yang berpantai rata lalu mereka bercadang hendak mengandaskan kapal itu ke situ
<3753> <1161> <2250> <1096> <3588> <1093> <3756> <1921> <2859> <1161> <5100> <2657> <2192> <123> <1519> <3739> <1011> <1487> <1410> <1856> <3588> <4143>
AV: And <1161> when <3753> it was <1096> (5633) day <2250>, they knew <1921> (5707) not <3756> the land <1093>: but <1161> they discovered <2657> (5707) a certain <5100> creek <2859> with <2192> (5723) a shore <123>, into <1519> the which <3739> they were minded <1011> (5662), if <1487> it were possible <1410> (5739), to thrust in <1856> (5658) the ship <4143>.