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Mark 5:42
Anak perempuan yang berusia dua belas tahun itu segera bangkit lalu berjalan Mereka semua sungguh kagum
<2532> <2117> <450> <3588> <2877> <2532> <4043> <1510> <1063> <2094> <1427> <2532> <1839> <2117> <1611> <3173>
AV: And <2532> straightway <2112> the damsel <2877> arose <450> (5627), and <2532> walked <4043> (5707); for <1063> she was <2258> (5713) [of the age] of twelve <1427> years <2094>. And <2532> they were astonished <1839> (5627) with a great <3173> astonishment <1611>.
Luke 2:47
Semua orang yang mendengar Yesus kagum akan pengertian dan jawapan-Nya
<1839> <1161> <3956> <3588> <191> <846> <1909> <3588> <4907> <2532> <3588> <612> <846>
AV: And <1161> all <3956> that heard <191> (5723) him <846> were astonished <1839> (5710) at <1909> his <846> understanding <4907> and <2532> answers <612>.
Luke 8:56
Ibu bapanya kagum tetapi Yesus melarang mereka mengatakan apa-apa tentang kejadian itu kepada sesiapa pun
<2532> <1839> <3588> <1118> <846> <3588> <1161> <3853> <846> <3367> <2036> <3588> <1096>
AV: And <2532> her <846> parents <1118> were astonished <1839> (5627): but <1161> he charged <3853> (5656) them <846> that they should tell <2036> (5629) no man <3367> what was done <1096> (5756).
Acts 8:13
Kemudian Simon sendiri percaya dan setelah dibaptiskan dia terus menyertai Filipus dan amat kagum melihat mukjizat-mukjizat serta tanda yang dilakukan
<3588> <1161> <4613> <2532> <846> <4100> <2532> <907> <1510> <4342> <3588> <5376> <2334> <5037> <4592> <2532> <1411> <3173> <1096> <1839>
AV: Then <1161> Simon <4613> himself <846> believed <4100> (5656) also <2532>: and <2532> when he was baptized <907> (5685), he continued <2258> (5713) <4342> (5723) with Philip <5376>, and <5037> wondered <1839> (5710), beholding <2334> (5723) the miracles <1411> and <2532> signs <4592> <3173> which were done <1096> (5740) (5625) <1096> (5740). {miracles...: Gr. signs and great miracles}