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Mark 4:19
tetapi kerunsingan tentang hal-hal dunia tarikan palsu harta benda dan aneka kemahuan lain membantutkan firman itu sehingga tidak berbuah
<2532> <3588> <3308> <3588> <165> <2532> <3588> <539> <3588> <4149> <2532> <3588> <4012> <3588> <3062> <1939> <1531> <4846> <3588> <3056> <2532> <175> <1096>
AV: And <2532> the cares <3308> of this <5127> world <165>, and <2532> the deceitfulness <539> of riches <4149>, and <2532> the lusts <1939> of <4012> other things <3062> entering in <1531> (5740), choke <4846> (5719) the word <3056>, and <2532> it becometh <1096> (5736) unfruitful <175>. {lusts: or, inordinate desires}