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Mark 1:34
Yesus menyembuhkan ramai orang daripada pelbagai penyakit Dia juga menghalau roh-roh iblis sambil memerintahkan mereka diam kerana mereka tahu siapa Dia
<2532> <2323> <4183> <2560> <2192> <4164> <3554> <2532> <1140> <4183> <1544> <2532> <3756> <863> <2980> <3588> <1140> <3754> <1492> <846> <5547> <1510>
AV: And <2532> he healed <2323> (5656) many <4183> that were <2192> (5723) sick <2560> of divers <4164> diseases <3554>, and <2532> cast out <1544> (5627) many <4183> devils <1140>; and <2532> suffered <863> (5707) not <3756> the devils <1140> to speak <2980> (5721), because <3754> they knew <1492> (5715) him <846>. {to speak...: or, to say that they knew him}