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Mark 1:25
Yesus membentak roh itu Diam Keluar daripada dia
<2532> <2008> <846> <3588> <2424> <3004> <5392> <2532> <1831> <1537> <846>
AV: And <2532> Jesus <2424> rebuked <2008> (5656) him <846>, saying <3004> (5723), Hold thy peace <5392> (5682), and <2532> come <1831> (5628) out of <1537> him <846>.
Mark 9:25
Ketika Yesus melihat orang ramai datang berkerumun Dia membentak roh jahat itu Hai roh bisu tuli Aku perintahkan kamu keluar daripada anak ini dan jangan memasukinya lagi
<1492> <1161> <3588> <2424> <3754> <1998> <3793> <2008> <3588> <4151> <3588> <169> <3004> <846> <3588> <216> <2532> <2974> <4151> <1473> <2004> <4671> <1831> <1537> <846> <2532> <3371> <1525> <1519> <846>
AV: When <1161> Jesus <2424> saw <1492> (5631) that <3754> the people <3793> came running together <1998> (5719), he rebuked <2008> (5656) the foul <169> spirit <4151>, saying <3004> (5723) unto him <846>, [Thou] dumb <216> and <2532> deaf <2974> spirit <4151>, I <1473> charge <2004> (5719) thee <4671>, come <1831> (5628) out of <1537> him <846>, and <2532> enter <1525> (5632) no more <3371> into <1519> him <846>.
Luke 4:35
Yesus membentak roh iblis itu Diam Keluar daripada dia Roh iblis itu menghempaskan orang itu di hadapan mereka lalu keluar daripadanya tanpa mencederakannya
<2532> <2008> <846> <3588> <2424> <3004> <5392> <2532> <1831> <575> <846> <2532> <4496> <846> <3588> <1140> <1519> <3588> <3319> <1831> <575> <846> <3367> <984> <846>
AV: And <2532> Jesus <2424> rebuked <2008> (5656) him <846>, saying <3004> (5723), Hold thy peace <5392> (5682), and <2532> come <1831> (5628) out of <1537> him <846>. And <2532> when the devil <1140> had thrown <4496> (5660) him <846> in <1519> the midst <3319>, he came <1831> (5627) out of <575> him <846>, and hurt <984> (5660) him <846> not <3367>.
Luke 4:39
Yesus berdiri di tepi katilnya dan membentak demam itu lalu deman itu pun hilang Ibu mertua Simon segera bangun dan melayan mereka
<2532> <2186> <1883> <846> <2008> <3588> <4446> <2532> <863> <846> <3916> <1161> <450> <1247> <846>
AV: And <2532> he stood <2186> (5631) over <1883> her <846>, and rebuked <2008> (5656) the fever <4446>; and <2532> it left <863> (5656) her <846>: and immediately <3916> she arose <450> (5631) and <1161> ministered <1247> (5707) unto them <846>.