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Matthew 27:44
Perompak yang disalib bersama Yesus pun mencela-Nya dengan kata-kata demikian
<3588> <1161> <846> <2532> <3588> <3027> <3588> <4957> <4862> <846> <3679> <846>
AV: <1161> The thieves <3027> also <2532>, which <3588> were crucified <4957> (5685) with him <846>, cast <3679> (0) the same <846> in his <846> teeth <3679> (5707).
Mark 15:32
Kiranya Kristus ini Raja Israel turunlah dari salib supaya kami melihat dan percaya kepada-Nya Orang yang disalib bersama Yesus pun mencela-Nya
<3588> <5547> <3588> <935> <2474> <2597> <3568> <575> <3588> <4716> <2443> <1492> <2532> <4100> <2532> <3588> <4957> <4862> <846> <3679> <846>
AV: Let <2597> (0) Christ <5547> the King <935> of Israel <2474> descend <2597> (5628) now <3568> from <575> the cross <4716>, that <2443> we may see <1492> (5632) and <2532> believe <4100> (5661). And <2532> they that were crucified <4957> (5772) with him <846> reviled <3679> (5707) him <846>.