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Matthew 27:35
Selepas itu mereka menyalib-Nya dan membahagikan pakaian-Nya dengan membuang undi
<4717> <1161> <846> <1266> <3588> <2440> <846> <906> <2819>
AV: And <1161> they crucified <4717> (5660) him <846>, and parted <1266> (5668) his <846> garments <2440>, casting <906> (5723) lots <2819>: that <2443> it might be fulfilled <4137> (5686) which <3588> was spoken <4483> (5685) by <5259> the prophet <4396>, They parted <1266> (5668) my <3450> garments <2440> among them <1438>, and <2532> upon <1909> my <3450> vesture <2441> did they cast <906> (5627) lots <2819>.
Mark 15:24
Setelah mereka menyalib-Nya mereka membahagikan pakaian-Nya antara mereka dengan membuang undi
<2532> <4717> <846> <2532> <1266> <3588> <2440> <846> <906> <2819> <1909> <846> <5101> <5101> <142>
AV: And <2532> when they had crucified <4717> (5660) him <846>, they parted <1266> (5707) his <846> garments <2440>, casting <906> (5723) lots <2819> upon <1909> them <846>, what <5101> every man <5101> should take <142> (5661).
Mark 15:25
Mereka menyalib-Nya pada jam ketiga
<1510> <1161> <5610> <5154> <2532> <4717> <846>
AV: And <1161> it was <2258> (5713) the third <5154> hour <5610>, and <2532> they crucified <4717> (5656) him <846>.
Luke 24:20
Ketua-ketua imam dan para pemimpin kita telah menyerahkan-Nya untuk dijatuhi hukuman mati lalu mereka menyalib-Nya
<3704> <5037> <3860> <846> <3588> <749> <2532> <3588> <758> <2257> <1519> <2917> <2288> <2532> <4717> <846>
AV: And how <3704> <5037> the chief priests <749> and <2532> our <2257> rulers <758> delivered <3860> (5656) him <846> to <1519> be condemned <2917> to death <2288>, and <2532> have crucified <4717> (5656) him <846>.