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Matthew 27:29
Mereka membuat mahkota daripada duri lalu meletakkannya di atas kepala Yesus dan menggenggamkan mensiang di tangan kanan-Nya Kemudian mereka berlutut kepada-Nya sambil mengejek-Nya Hai Raja orang Yahudi
<2532> <4120> <4735> <1537> <173> <2007> <1909> <3588> <2776> <846> <2532> <2563> <1722> <3588> <1188> <846> <2532> <1120> <1715> <846> <1702> <846> <3004> <5463> <935> <3588> <2453>
AV: And <2532> when they had platted <4120> (5660) a crown <4735> of <1537> thorns <173>, they put <2007> (5656) [it] upon <1909> his <846> head <2776>, and <2532> a reed <2563> in <1909> his <846> right hand <1188>: and <2532> they bowed the knee <1120> (5660) before <1715> him <846>, and mocked <1702> (5707) him <846>, saying <3004> (5723), Hail <5463> (5720), King <935> of the Jews <2453>!
Acts 28:3
Paulus memungut ranting dan apabila dia meletakkannya di atas api seekor ular kapak keluar melarikan diri daripada kepanasan itu lalu memagut tangan Paulus
<4962> <1161> <3588> <3972> <5434> <5100> <4128> <2532> <2007> <1909> <3588> <4443> <2191> <575> <3588> <2329> <1831> <2510> <3588> <5495> <846>
AV: And <1161> when Paul <3972> had gathered <4962> (5660) a bundle <4128> of sticks <5434>, and <2532> laid <2007> (5631) [them] on <1909> the fire <4443>, there came <1831> (5631) a viper <2191> out of <1537> the heat <2329>, and fastened on <2510> (5656) his <846> hand <5495>.