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Matthew 23:37
Yerusalem Yerusalem Kamu membunuh nabi dan merejam utusan Allah Sudah berapa kali Aku ingin mengumpul anak-anakmu seperti seekor ibu ayam mengumpul anak-anaknya di bawah sayapnya tetapi kamu tidak mahu
<2419> <2419> <3588> <615> <3588> <4396> <2532> <3036> <3588> <649> <4314> <846> <4212> <2309> <1996> <3588> <5043> <4675> <3739> <5158> <3733> <1996> <3588> <3556> <846> <5259> <3588> <4420> <2532> <3756> <2309>
AV: O Jerusalem <2419>, Jerusalem <2419>, [thou] that killest <615> (5723) the prophets <4396>, and <2532> stonest <3036> (5723) them which are sent <649> (5772) unto <4314> thee <846>, how often <4212> would I <2309> (5656) have gathered <1996> (0) thy <4675> <3739> children <5043> together <1996> (5629), even as <5158> a hen <3733> gathereth <1996> (5719) her <1438> chickens <3556> under <5259> [her] wings <4420>, and <2532> ye would <2309> (5656) not <3756>!
Luke 13:34
Yerusalem Yerusalem Kamu membunuh nabi dan merejam utusan Allah Sudah berapa kali Aku ingin mengumpul anak-anakmu seperti seekor ibu ayam mengumpul anak-anaknya di bawah sayapnya tetapi kamu tidak mahu
<2419> <2419> <3588> <615> <3588> <4396> <2532> <3036> <3588> <649> <4314> <846> <4212> <2309> <1996> <3588> <5043> <4675> <3739> <5158> <3733> <3588> <1438> <3555> <5259> <3588> <4420> <2532> <3756> <2309>
AV: O Jerusalem <2419>, Jerusalem <2419>, which <3588> killest <615> (5723) the prophets <4396>, and <2532> stonest <3036> (5723) them that are sent <649> (5772) unto <4314> thee <846>; how often <4212> would <2309> (5656) I have gathered <1996> (0) thy <4675> children <5043> together <1996> (5658), as <3739> <5158> a hen <3733> [doth gather] her <1438> brood <3555> under <5259> [her] wings <4420>, and <2532> ye would <2309> (5656) not <3756>!
Revelation 9:9
Dadanya kelihatan seperti berperisai Bunyi sayapnya seperti bunyi rata-rata kuda mara ke medan perang
<2532> <2192> <2382> <5613> <2382> <4603> <2532> <3588> <5456> <3588> <4420> <846> <5613> <5456> <716> <2462> <4183> <5143> <1519> <4171>
AV: And <2532> they had <2192> (5707) breastplates <2382>, as it were <5613> breastplates <2382> of iron <4603>; and <2532> the sound <5456> of their <846> wings <4420> [was] as <5613> the sound <5456> of chariots <716> of many <4183> horses <2462> running <5143> (5723) to <1519> battle <4171>.