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Matthew 16:5
Ketika para murid Yesus berperahu ke seberang mereka terlupa membawa roti
<2532> <2064> <3588> <3101> <1519> <3588> <4008> <1950> <740> <2983>
AV: And <2532> when his <846> disciples <3101> were come <2064> (5631) to <1519> the other side <4008>, they had forgotten <1950> (5633) to take <2983> (5629) bread <740>.
Matthew 16:7
Mereka mula berkata-kata sesama sendiri Dia berkata begitu kerana kita tidak membawa roti
<3588> <1161> <1260> <1722> <1438> <3004> <3754> <740> <3756> <2983>
AV: And <1161> they reasoned <1260> (5711) among <1722> themselves <1438>, saying <3004> (5723), [It is] because <3754> we have taken <2983> (5627) no <3756> bread <740>.
Matthew 25:1
Kerajaan syurga ibarat sepuluh orang anak dara yang membawa lampu dan berjalan keluar untuk menyambut pengantin lelaki
<5119> <3666> <3588> <932> <3588> <3772> <1176> <3933> <3748> <2983> <3588> <2985> <1438> <1831> <1519> <5222> <3588> <3566>
AV: Then <5119> shall the kingdom <932> of heaven <3772> be likened <3666> (5701) unto ten <1176> virgins <3933>, which <3748> took <2983> (5631) their <846> lamps <2985>, and went forth <1831> (5627) to meet <529> <1519> the bridegroom <3566>.
Matthew 25:3
Yang kurang berakal membawa lampu sahaja tanpa bekalan minyak
<3588> <1063> <3474> <2983> <3588> <2985> <846> <3756> <2983> <3326> <1438> <1637>
AV: They <3748> that [were] foolish <3474> took <2983> (5631) their <846> <1438> lamps <2985>, and took <2983> (5627) no <3756> oil <1637> with <3326> them <1438>: