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Matthew 14:35
Orang di situ mengenal Yesus lalu menyebarkan berita kedatangan-Nya ke serata daerah itu Ramailah dibawa orang sakit kepada-Nya
<2532> <1921> <846> <3588> <435> <3588> <5117> <1565> <649> <1519> <3650> <3588> <4066> <1565> <2532> <4374> <846> <3956> <3588> <2560> <2192>
AV: And <2532> when the men <435> of that <1565> place <5117> had knowledge <1921> (5631) of him <846>, they sent out <649> (5656) into <1519> all <3650> that <1565> country round about <4066>, and <2532> brought <4374> (5656) unto him <846> all <3956> that were <2192> (5723) diseased <2560>;
Mark 1:28
Dengan demikian khabar tentang Yesus segera tersebar ke seluruh Galilea
<2532> <1831> <3588> <189> <846> <2117> <3837> <1519> <3650> <3588> <4066> <3588> <1056>
AV: And <1161> immediately <2117> his <846> fame <189> spread abroad <1831> (5627) throughout <1519> all <3650> the region round about <4066> Galilee <1056>.
Luke 4:37
Maka perkhabaran tentang Yesus tersebar ke seluruh daerah itu
<2532> <1607> <2279> <4012> <846> <1519> <3956> <5117> <3588> <4066>
AV: And <2532> the fame <2279> of <4012> him <846> went out <1607> (5711) into <1519> every <3956> place <5117> of the country round about <4066>.