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Matthew 14:22
Setelah itu Yesus menyuruh murid-murid-Nya menaiki perahu dan pergi ke seberang dahulu sementara Dia menyuruh orang ramai itu pulang
<2532> <2112> <315> <3588> <3101> <1684> <1519> <4143> <2532> <4254> <846> <1519> <3588> <4008> <2193> <3739> <630> <3588> <3793>
AV: And <2532> straightway <2112> Jesus <2424> constrained <315> (5656) his <846> disciples <3101> to get <1684> (5629) into <1519> a ship <4143>, and <2532> to go before <4254> (5721) him <846> unto <1519> the other side <4008>, while <2193> <3739> he sent <630> (0) the multitudes <3793> away <630> (5661).
Matthew 16:5
Ketika para murid Yesus berperahu ke seberang mereka terlupa membawa roti
<2532> <2064> <3588> <3101> <1519> <3588> <4008> <1950> <740> <2983>
AV: And <2532> when his <846> disciples <3101> were come <2064> (5631) to <1519> the other side <4008>, they had forgotten <1950> (5633) to take <2983> (5629) bread <740>.
Matthew 19:1
Selepas Yesus selesai berkata tentang hal-hal itu Dia beredar dari Galilea pergi ke Yudea di seberang Sungai Yordan
<2532> <1096> <3753> <5055> <3588> <2424> <3588> <3056> <5128> <3332> <575> <3588> <1056> <2532> <2064> <1519> <3588> <3725> <3588> <2449> <4008> <3588> <2446>
AV: And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), [that] when <3753> Jesus <2424> had finished <5055> (5656) these <5128> sayings <3056>, he departed <3332> (5656) from <575> Galilee <1056>, and <2532> came <2064> (5627) into <1519> the coasts <3725> of Judaea <2449> beyond <4008> Jordan <2446>;
John 6:17
Mereka menaiki perahu menyeberangi tasik itu ke Kapernaum Hari sudah gelap namun Yesus belum pulang mendapatkan mereka
<2532> <1684> <1519> <4143> <2064> <4008> <3588> <2281> <1519> <2584> <2532> <4653> <2235> <1096> <2532> <3768> <2064> <4314> <846> <3588> <2424>
AV: And <2532> entered <1684> (5631) into <1519> a ship <4143>, and went <2064> (5711) over <4008> the sea <2281> toward <1519> Capernaum <2584>. And <2532> it was <1096> (5715) now <2235> dark <4653>, and <2532> Jesus <2424> was <2064> (0) not <3756> come <2064> (5715) to <4314> them <846>.