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Matthew 14:17
Kata para murid Yesus Kita hanya ada lima buku roti dan dua ekor ikan
<3588> <1161> <3004> <846> <3756> <2192> <5602> <1487> <3361> <4002> <740> <2532> <1417> <2486>
AV: And <1161> they say <3004> (5719) unto him <846>, We have <2192> (5719) here <5602> but <3756> <1508> five <4002> loaves <740>, and <2532> two <1417> fishes <2486>.
Matthew 16:9
Belum fahamkah kamu Tidakkah kamu ingat bagaimana Aku membahagikan lima buku roti antara lima ribu orang Berapa bakul lebihan makanan yang kamu kumpulkan
<3768> <3539> <3761> <3421> <3588> <4002> <740> <3588> <4000> <2532> <4214> <2894> <2983>
AV: Do ye <3539> (0) not yet <3768> understand <3539> (5719), neither <3761> remember <3421> (5719) the five <4002> loaves <740> of the five thousand <4000>, and <2532> how many <4214> baskets <2894> ye took up <2983> (5627)?
Matthew 25:15
Kepada yang seorang dia memberikan lima talenta kepada seorang lagi dua kepada yang seorang lagi satu masing-masing menurut kebolehannya Setelah itu dia pun bertolak
<2532> <3739> <3303> <1325> <4002> <5007> <3739> <1161> <1417> <3739> <1161> <1520> <1538> <2596> <3588> <2398> <1411> <2532> <589> <2112>
AV: And <2532> unto one <3739> <3303> he gave <1325> (5656) five <4002> talents <5007>, <1161> to another <3739> two <1417>, and <1161> to another <3739> one <1520>; to every man <1538> according <2596> to his several <2398> ability <1411>; and <2532> straightway <2112> took his journey <589> (5656). {talents: a talent is one hundred and eighty seven pounds ten shillings}
Matthew 25:16
Hamba yang menerima lima talenta itu memperniagakannya lalu mendapat untung lima talenta lagi
<4198> <3588> <3588> <4002> <5007> <2983> <2038> <1722> <846> <2532> <2770> <243> <4002>
AV: Then <1161> he that had received <2983> (5631) the five <4002> talents <5007> went <4198> (5679) and traded <2038> (5662) with <1722> the same <846>, and <2532> made <4160> (5656) [them] other <243> five <4002> talents <5007>.
Matthew 25:16
Hamba yang menerima lima talenta itu memperniagakannya lalu mendapat untung lima talenta lagi
<4198> <3588> <3588> <4002> <5007> <2983> <2038> <1722> <846> <2532> <2770> <243> <4002>
AV: Then <1161> he that had received <2983> (5631) the five <4002> talents <5007> went <4198> (5679) and traded <2038> (5662) with <1722> the same <846>, and <2532> made <4160> (5656) [them] other <243> five <4002> talents <5007>.
Matthew 25:20
Hamba yang menerima lima talenta dahulu membawakan lima talenta lagi sambil berkata Tuan tuan telah memberiku lima talenta Lihatlah aku telah mendapatkan lima talenta lagi dengannya
<2532> <4334> <3588> <3588> <4002> <5007> <2983> <4374> <243> <4002> <5007> <3004> <2962> <4002> <5007> <3427> <3860> <1492> <243> <4002> <5007> <2770>
AV: And so <2532> he that had received <2983> (5631) five <4002> talents <5007> came <4334> (5631) and brought <4374> (5656) other <243> five <4002> talents <5007>, saying <3004> (5723), Lord <2962>, thou deliveredst <3860> (5656) unto me <3427> five <4002> talents <5007>: behold <2396>, I have gained <2770> (5656) beside <1909> them <846> five <4002> talents <5007> more <243>.
Matthew 25:20
Hamba yang menerima lima talenta dahulu membawakan lima talenta lagi sambil berkata Tuan tuan telah memberiku lima talenta Lihatlah aku telah mendapatkan lima talenta lagi dengannya
<2532> <4334> <3588> <3588> <4002> <5007> <2983> <4374> <243> <4002> <5007> <3004> <2962> <4002> <5007> <3427> <3860> <1492> <243> <4002> <5007> <2770>
AV: And so <2532> he that had received <2983> (5631) five <4002> talents <5007> came <4334> (5631) and brought <4374> (5656) other <243> five <4002> talents <5007>, saying <3004> (5723), Lord <2962>, thou deliveredst <3860> (5656) unto me <3427> five <4002> talents <5007>: behold <2396>, I have gained <2770> (5656) beside <1909> them <846> five <4002> talents <5007> more <243>.
Matthew 25:20
Hamba yang menerima lima talenta dahulu membawakan lima talenta lagi sambil berkata Tuan tuan telah memberiku lima talenta Lihatlah aku telah mendapatkan lima talenta lagi dengannya
<2532> <4334> <3588> <3588> <4002> <5007> <2983> <4374> <243> <4002> <5007> <3004> <2962> <4002> <5007> <3427> <3860> <1492> <243> <4002> <5007> <2770>
AV: And so <2532> he that had received <2983> (5631) five <4002> talents <5007> came <4334> (5631) and brought <4374> (5656) other <243> five <4002> talents <5007>, saying <3004> (5723), Lord <2962>, thou deliveredst <3860> (5656) unto me <3427> five <4002> talents <5007>: behold <2396>, I have gained <2770> (5656) beside <1909> them <846> five <4002> talents <5007> more <243>.
Matthew 25:20
Hamba yang menerima lima talenta dahulu membawakan lima talenta lagi sambil berkata Tuan tuan telah memberiku lima talenta Lihatlah aku telah mendapatkan lima talenta lagi dengannya
<2532> <4334> <3588> <3588> <4002> <5007> <2983> <4374> <243> <4002> <5007> <3004> <2962> <4002> <5007> <3427> <3860> <1492> <243> <4002> <5007> <2770>
AV: And so <2532> he that had received <2983> (5631) five <4002> talents <5007> came <4334> (5631) and brought <4374> (5656) other <243> five <4002> talents <5007>, saying <3004> (5723), Lord <2962>, thou deliveredst <3860> (5656) unto me <3427> five <4002> talents <5007>: behold <2396>, I have gained <2770> (5656) beside <1909> them <846> five <4002> talents <5007> more <243>.