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Matthew 14:3
Sebelum itu Herodes telah memerintahkan supaya Yohanes ditangkap diikat dan dipenjarakan disebabkan Herodias isteri saudaranya Filipus
<3588> <1063> <2264> <2902> <3588> <2491> <1210> <2532> <1722> <5438> <659> <1223> <2266> <3588> <1135> <5376> <3588> <80> <846>
AV: For <1063> Herod <2264> had laid hold <2902> (5660) on John <2491>, and bound <1210> (5656) him <846>, and <2532> put <5087> (5639) [him] in <1722> prison <5438> for <1223> (0) Herodias' <2266> sake <1223>, his <846> brother <80> Philip's <5376> wife <1135>.
Matthew 14:6
Pada hari jadi Herodes anak perempuan Herodias menari di hadapan majlis dan menyenangi hati Herodes
<1077> <1161> <1096> <3588> <2264> <3738> <3588> <2364> <3588> <2266> <1722> <3588> <3319> <2532> <700> <3588> <2264>
AV: But <1161> when Herod's <2264> birthday <1077> was kept <71> (5746), the daughter <2364> of Herodias <2266> danced <3738> (5662) before them <1722> <3319>, and <2532> pleased <700> (5656) Herod <2264>. {before...: Gr. in the midst}
Mark 6:17
Sebabnya memang Herodes telah memberikan perintah supaya Yohanes ditangkap diikat dan dipenjarakan Herodes berbuat demikian kerana Herodias isteri kepada saudaranya Filipus yang telah dikahwininya
<846> <1063> <3588> <2264> <649> <2902> <3588> <2491> <2532> <1210> <846> <1722> <5438> <1223> <2266> <3588> <1135> <5376> <3588> <80> <846> <3754> <846> <1060>
AV: For <1063> Herod <2264> himself <846> had sent forth <649> (5660) and laid hold <2902> (5656) upon John <2491>, and <2532> bound <1210> (5656) him <846> in <1722> prison <5438> for <1223> (0) Herodias <2266>' sake <1223>, his <846> brother <80> Philip's <5376> wife <1135>: for <3754> he had married <1060> (5656) her <846>.
Mark 6:19
Akibatnya Herodias menaruh dendam terhadap Yohanes dan hendak membunuhnya tetapi hasratnya terhalang
<3588> <1161> <2266> <1758> <846> <2532> <2309> <846> <615> <2532> <3756> <1410>
AV: Therefore <1161> Herodias <2266> had a quarrel <1758> (5707) against him <846>, and <2532> would <2309> (5707) have killed <615> (5658) him <846>; but <2532> she could <1410> (5711) not <3756>: {a quarrel: or, an inward grudge}
Mark 6:22
Anak gadis Herodias menari dan menghiburkan Herodes serta tetamunya Oleh itu raja berkata kepada gadis itu Mintalah daripadaku apa sahaja yang kamu ingini dan akan kuberikan kepadamu
<2532> <1525> <3588> <2364> <846> <2266> <2532> <3738> <700> <3588> <2264> <2532> <3588> <4873> <3588> <1161> <935> <2036> <3588> <2877> <154> <3165> <3739> <1437> <2309> <2532> <1325> <4671>
AV: And <2532> when the daughter <2364> of the said <846> Herodias <2266> came in <1525> (5631), and <2532> danced <3738> (5666), and <2532> pleased <700> (5660) Herod <2264> and <2532> them that sat with him <4873> (5740), the king <935> said <2036> (5627) unto the damsel <2877>, Ask <154> (5657) of me <3165> whatsoever <3739> <1437> thou wilt <2309> (5725), and <2532> I will give <1325> (5692) [it] thee <4671>.
Luke 3:19
Dia telah menegur Raja Herodes tentang perkahwinannya dengan Herodias isteri saudaranya dan tentang segala kejahatan yang dilakukannya
<3588> <1161> <2264> <3588> <5076> <1651> <5259> <846> <4012> <2266> <3588> <1135> <3588> <80> <846> <2532> <4012> <3956> <3739> <4160> <4190> <3588> <2264>
AV: But <1161> Herod <2264> the tetrarch <5076>, being reproved <1651> (5746) by <5259> him <846> for <4012> Herodias <2266> his <846> brother <80> Philip's <5376> wife <1135>, and <2532> for <4012> all <3956> the evils <4190> which <3739> Herod <2264> had done <4160> (5656),