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Matthew 13:33
Kemudian Yesus menceritakan suatu ibarat lagi Kerajaan syurga seumpama ragi yang diambil seorang wanita dan dicampurkan dengan tiga sukat tepung sehingga adunan itu naik
<243> <3850> <2980> <846> <3664> <1510> <3588> <932> <3588> <3772> <2219> <3739> <2983> <1135> <1470> <1519> <224> <4568> <5140> <2193> <3739> <2220> <3650>
AV: Another <243> parable <3850> spake he <2980> (5656) unto them <846>; The kingdom <932> of heaven <3772> is <2076> (5748) like <3664> unto leaven <2219>, which <3739> a woman <1135> took <2983> (5631), and hid <1470> (5656) in <1519> three <5140> measures <4568> of meal <224>, till <2193> the whole <3650> was <3739> leavened <2220> (5681). {measures: the word in the Greek is a measure containing about a peck and a half, wanting a little more than a pint}