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Matthew 12:16
Dia melarang keras mereka mengatakan siapa Dia
<2532> <2008> <846> <2443> <3361> <5318> <846> <4160>
AV: And <2532> charged <2008> (5656) them <846> that <3363> (0) they should <4160> (0) not <3363> make <4160> (5661) him <846> known <5318>:
Matthew 16:20
Selepas itu dengan tegasnya Yesus melarang murid-murid-Nya memberitahu sesiapa bahawa Dia Kristus
<5119> <2008> <3588> <3101> <2443> <3367> <2036> <3754> <846> <1510> <3588> <5547>
AV: Then <5119> charged he <1291> (5668) his <846> disciples <3101> that <2443> they should tell <2036> (5632) no man <3367> that <3754> he <846> was <2076> (5748) Jesus <2424> the Christ <5547>.
Mark 3:12
Yesus melarang keras mereka mengatakan siapa Dia
<2532> <4183> <2008> <846> <2443> <3361> <846> <5318> <4160>
AV: And <2532> he straitly <4183> charged <2008> (5707) them <846> that <3363> (0) they should <4160> (0) not <3363> make <4160> (5661) him <846> known <5318>.
Mark 8:30
Dengan tegasnya Yesus melarang mereka memberitahu sesiapa pun tentang diri-Nya
<2532> <2008> <846> <2443> <3367> <3004> <4012> <846>
AV: And <2532> he charged <2008> (5656) them <846> that <2443> they should tell <3004> (5725) no man <3367> of <4012> him <846>.
Luke 9:21
Dengan tegasnya Yesus melarang mereka memberitahu hal ini kepada sesiapa pun
<3588> <1161> <2008> <846> <3853> <3367> <3004> <5124>
AV: And <1161> he straitly charged <2008> (5660) them <846>, and commanded <3853> (5656) [them] to tell <2036> (5629) no man <3367> that thing <5124>;