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Matthew 9:36
Apabila Yesus melihat orang yang ramai itu Dia berbelas kasih terhadap mereka kerana mereka bimbang dan tidak berdaya ibarat sekawan domba tanpa gembala
<1492> <1161> <3588> <3793> <4697> <4012> <846> <3754> <1510> <4660> <2532> <4496> <5616> <4263> <3361> <2192> <4166>
AV: But <1161> when he saw <1492> (5631) the multitudes <3793>, he was moved with compassion <4697> (5675) on <4012> them <846>, because <3754> they fainted <2258> (5713) <1590> (5772), and <2532> were scattered abroad <4496> (5772), as <5616> sheep <4263> having <2192> (5723) no <3361> shepherd <4166>. {fainted...: or, were tired and lay down}
Luke 19:3
Dia cuba hendak melihat siapa Yesus itu tetapi tidak dapat berbuat demikian kerana orang terlalu ramai dan dia pendek orangnya
<2532> <2212> <1492> <3588> <2424> <5101> <1510> <2532> <3756> <1410> <575> <3588> <3793> <3754> <3588> <2244> <3398> <1510>
AV: And <2532> he sought <2212> (5707) to see <1492> (5629) Jesus <2424> who <5101> he was <2076> (5748); and <2532> could <1410> (5711) not <3756> for <575> the press <3793>, because <3754> he was <2258> (5713) little <3398> of stature <2244>.