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Matthew 9:24
Dia berkata Keluarlah kamu semua Anak ini bukan mati cuma tidur Mereka mentertawakan Yesus
<3004> <402> <3756> <1063> <599> <3588> <2877> <235> <2518> <2532> <2606> <846>
AV: He said <3004> (5719) unto them <846>, Give place <402> (5720): for <1063> the maid <2877> is <599> (0) not <3756> dead <599> (5627), but <235> sleepeth <2518> (5719). And <2532> they laughed <2606> (0) him <846> to scorn <2606> (5707).
Mark 5:40
Tetapi mereka mentertawakan Yesus Setelah menyuruh mereka semua keluar Yesus mengajak ibu bapa anak itu dan murid-murid-Nya masuk ke bilik tempat anak itu terbaring
<2532> <2606> <846> <846> <1161> <1544> <3956> <3880> <3588> <3962> <3588> <3813> <2532> <3588> <3384> <2532> <3588> <3326> <846> <2532> <1531> <3699> <1510> <3588> <3813>
AV: And <2532> they laughed <2606> (0) him <846> to scorn <2606> (5707). But <1161> when he had put <1544> (0) them all <537> out <1544> (5631), he taketh <3880> (5719) the father <3962> and <2532> the mother <3384> of the damsel <3813>, and <2532> them that were with <3326> him <846>, and <2532> entereth in <1531> (5736) where <3699> the damsel <3813> was <2258> (5713) lying <345> (5740).
Luke 8:53
Mereka mentertawakan Yesus kerana mereka mengetahui anak itu telah mati
<2532> <2606> <846> <1492> <3754> <599>
AV: And <2532> they laughed <2606> (0) him <846> to scorn <2606> (5707), knowing <1492> (5761) that <3754> she was dead <599> (5627).