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Matthew 5:15
Tiada siapa memasang pelita lalu menyorokkannya di bawah pasu tentu dia meletakkannya di atas kaki pelita untuk menerangi seisi rumah
<3761> <2545> <3088> <2532> <5087> <846> <5259> <3588> <3426> <235> <1909> <3588> <3087> <2532> <2989> <3956> <3588> <1722> <3588> <3614>
AV: Neither <3761> do men light <2545> (5719) a candle <3088>, and <2532> put <5087> (5719) it <846> under <5259> a bushel <3426>, but <235> on <1909> a candlestick <3087>; and <2532> it giveth light <2989> (5719) unto all <3956> that are in <1722> the house <3614>. {a bushel: the word in the original signifieth a measure containing about a pint less than a peck}