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Total: 3999 items
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1324=3didumov Didumos Didimus (3)Didymus 3
1327=1diexodov diexodos 1 words left highway + \\3598\\ + \\3588\\ 1
1328=1diermhneuthv diermeneutes mentafsirkannya (1)interpreter 1
1331=1dierwtaw dierotao bertanyakan (1)make enquiry for 1
1332=1diethv dietes dua tahun (1)two years old 1
1333=2dietia dietia Dua tahun (1), dua tahun (1)two years 2
1335=1dihghsiv diegesis 1 words left declaration 1
1336=4dihnekhv dienekes 1 words leftselama-lamanya (2), terus-menerus (1)continually + \\1519\\ 2, for ever + \\1519\\ 2
1337=1diyalassov dithalassos busung pasir (1)where two seas meet 1
1338=1diikneomai diikneomai menembusi (1)pierce 1
1339=3diisthmi diistemi 1 words leftdiangkat (1)the space of ... after 1, go further 1, be parted 1
1340=2diiscurizomai diischurizomai beria-ia mengatakan (1), berkeras (1)confidently affirm 1, constantly affirm 1
1341=1dikaiokrisia dikaiokrisia hukuman .... adil (1)righteous judgment 1
1347=2dikaiwsiv dikaiosis pembenaran (2)justification 2
1348=3dikasthv dikastes hakim (2)judge 3
1349=4dikh dike 1 words leftDewi Keadilan (1), hukuman (1), dihukum (1)vengeance 2, judgment 1, punish + \\5099\\ 1
1351=1dilogov dilogos lidah bercabang (1)doubletongued 1
1353=2diodeuw diodeuo pergi dari (1), melalui (1)go throughout 1, pass through 1
1354=1dionusiov Dionusios Dionisius (1)Dionysius 1
1355=3dioper dioper Oleh itu (1), Jadi (1)wherefore 3
1356=1diopethv diopetes turun dari langit (1)which fell down from Jupiter 1
1357=1diorywsiv diorthosis pembaharuan (1)reformation 1
1358=4diorussw diorusso memecah masuk (2), dipecah (2)break through 2, be broken up 1, be broken through 1
1359=1dioskouroi Dioskouroi Dewa Kembar (1)Castor and Pollux 1
1361=1diotrefhv Diotrephes Diotrefes (1)Diotrephes 1
1362=4diplouv diplous 1 words leftdua kali ganda (2), dua kali lebih (1)double 3, twofold more 1
1363=1diplow diploo balas (1)double 1
1365=2distazw distazo ragu (2)doubt 2
1366=3distomov distomos mata dua (1), dua mata (1), dua (1)twoedged 2, with two edges 1
1367=1discilioi dischilioi dua ribu (1)two thousand 1
1368=1diulizw diulizo tapis (1)strain at 1
1369=1dicazw dichazo melawan (1)to set at variance 1
1370=3dicostasia dichostasia perpecahan (1), perselisihan (1)division 2, sedition 1
1371=2dicotomew dichotomeo membunuh (2)cut sunder 1, cut in asunder 1
1373=1diqov dipsos kehausan (1)thirst 1
1374=2diqucov dipsuchos kamu yang munafik (1), pendiriannya (1)double minded 2
1376=1diwkthv dioktes yang ... menganiaya (1)persecutor 1
1379=1dogmatizw dogmatizo mematuhi peraturan-peraturannya (1)be subject to ordinances 1
1383=2dokimion dokimion menguji (1), ujian (1)trying 1, trial 1
1386=1doliov dolios tipu daya (1)deceitful 1
1387=1doliow dolioo 1 words left use deceit 1
1389=1dolow doloo menyalahertikan (1)handle ... deceitfully 1
1390=4doma doma pemberian (2), memberikan (1)gift 4
1393=2dorkav Dorkas Dorkas (2)Dorcas 2
1394=2dosiv dosis 1 words leftmemberi (1)giving 1, gift 1
1395=1dothv dotes memberi dengan gembira (1)giver 1
1396=1doulagwgew doulagogeo menguasai diri (1)bring into subjection 1
1399=3doulh doule hamba (1), hamba-Nya (1), perempuan (1)handmaiden 2, handmaid 1
1400=0doulon doulon  
1403=2doch doche jamuan (2)feast 2
1405=1drassomai drassomai memerangkap (1)take 1
1406=3dracmh drachme keping wang perak (1), sekeping wang (1), sekeping (1)piece 2, piece of silver 1
1408=3dromov dromos tanggungjawab (1), garis akhir (1), tugas (1)course 3
1409=1drousilla Drousilla Drusila (1)Drusilla 1
1412=1dunamow dunamoo diteguhkan (1), menjadi kuat (1)strengthen 1
1413=3dunasthv dunastes besar pangkatnya (1), Pemerintah (1), raja-raja (1)mighty 1, of great authority 1, Potentate 1
1414=1dunatew dunateo berkuasa (2), penuh kuasa (1)be mighty 1
1416=2dunw duno or dumi dumi or duw duo menjelang (1), terbenam (1)set 2
1418=0duv dus-  hard or difficult, always used as a word prefix
1419=2dusbastaktov dusbastaktos 1 words left grievous to be borne 2
1420=1dusenteria dusenteria cirit-birit (1)bloody flux 1
1421=1dusermhneutov dusermeneutos sukar (1)hard to be uttered 1
1422=1duskolov duskolos susahnya (1)hard 1
1423=3duskolwv duskolos susahnya (2), susah sekali (1)hardly 3
1425=1dusnohtov dusnoetos sukar difahami (1)hard to be understood 1
1426=1dusfhmia dusphemia dikeji (1)evil report 1
1428=1dwdekatov dodekatos kedua belas (1)twelfth 1
1429=1dwdekafulon dodekaphulon Dua belas suku bangsa (1)twelve tribes 1
1433=3dwreomai doreomai telah mengurniai (1), menyerahkan (1), menganugerahi (1)give 3
1434=2dwrhma dorema pemberian (2)gift 2
1436=2ea ea  alone 2
1441=1ebdomhkontakiv hebdomekontakis 1 words left seventy times 1
1443=1eber Eber Eber (1)Heber 1
1444=1ebraikov Hebraikos  Hebrew 1
1446=3ebraiv Hebrais Ibrani (3)Hebrew 3
1449=2eggrafw eggrapho tersurat (1), tercatat (1), ditulis (1)write 2
1450=1egguov egguos jaminan (1)surety 1
1452=1egguteron egguteron lebih dekat (1)nearer 1
1454=1egersiv egersis dibangkitkan (1)resurrection 1
1455=1egkayetov egkathetos beberapa orang (1)spy 1
1456=1egkainia egkainia Perayaan Pentahbisan (1)feast of dedication 1
1457=2egkainizw egkainizo ditentukan (1), dibukakan-Nya (1)dedicate 1, consecrate 1
1460=1egkatoikew egkatoikeo di kelilingnya (1)dwell among 1
1462=2egklhma egklema tuduhan (1), peluang (1)laid to (one's) charge 1, crime laid against (one) 1
1463=1egkomboomai egkomboomai menghormati (1)be clothed with 1
1464=1egkoph egkope tergendala (1)hinder 1
1465=4egkoptw egkopto yang ringkas (1), tergendala (1), dihalang (1), menghalangmu (1), terhalang (1)hinder 3, be tedious unto 1
1466=4egkrateia egkrateia penguasaan diri (4)temperance 4
1467=2egkrateuomai egkrateuomai menahan nafsu (1), berlatih dengan gigih (1)can contain 1, be temperate 1
1468=1egkrathv egkrates tertib (1)temperate 1
1469=1egkrinw egkrino menggolongkan (1)make of the number 1
1470=2egkruptw ekgrupto dicampurkan (1)hide in 2
1471=1egkuov egkuos sedang hamil (1)great with child 1
1472=1egcriw egchrio  anoint 1
1474=1edafizw edaphizo membinasakanmu (1)lay even with the ground 1
1475=1edafov edaphos tanah (1)ground 1
1476=3edraiov hedraios berdiri teguh (1), teguhkan pendirian (1), kerelaannya sendiri (1)steadfast 2, settled 1
1477=1edraiwma hedraioma asas (1)ground 1
1478=2ezekiav Ezekias Hizkia (2)Ezekias 2
1479=1eyeloyrhskeia ethelothreskeia pegangan agama (1)will worship 1