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Total: 3999 items
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1167=1deilia deilia ketakutan (1)fear 1
1168=1deiliaw deiliao takut (1)be afraid 1
1169=3deilov deilos takut (2), mereka yang pengecut (1)fearful 3
1170=1deina deina seorang (1)such a man 1
1171=2deinwv deinos mengecam [1758] (1), amat (1)grievously 1, vehemently 1
1172=4deipnew deipneo makan (3), makanan (1)sup 3, supper 1
1174=1deisidaimonesthrov deisidaimonesteros sentiasa ingat menyembah tuhan (1)too superstitious 1
1175=1deisidaimonia deisidaimonia agama (1)superstition 1
1177=2dekaduo dekaduo  twelve 2
1178=3dekapente dekapente 1 words leftlima belas (2)fifteen 3
1179=3dekapoliv Dekapolis Dekapolis bermaksud Sepuluh Kota (1), sepuluh kota (1), Sepuluh Kota (1)Decapolis 3
1181=4dekath dekate 1 words leftsepersepuluh (2), bayaran sepersepuluh (1)tithe 2, tenth part 1, tenth 1
1182=3dekatov dekatos kesepuluh (2), sepersepuluh (1)tenth 3
1183=2dekatow dekatoo bayaran sepersepuluh (1), menerima bayaran sepersepuluh (1)receive tithes 1, pay tithes 1
1185=3deleazw deleazo 1 words leftmenggoda (2)entice 1, beguile 1, allure 1
1187=1dexiolabov dexiolabos askar bertombak (1)spearmen 1
1190=1derbaiov Derbaios orang Derbe (1)of Derbe 1
1191=3derbh Derbe Derbe (3)Derbe 3
1192=1derma derma kulit (1)skin + \\122\\ 1
1193=2dermatinov dermatinos kulit (2)leathern 1, of a skin 1
1195=2desmeuw desmeuo 2 words leftmengikat (1)bind 2
1196=1desmew desmeo  bind 1
1197=1desmh desme 1 words left bundle 1
1200=3desmofulax desmophulax ketua penjara (2), Ketua penjara (1)keeper of the prison 2, jailor 1
1201=4desmwthrion desmoterion penjara (4)prison 4
1202=2desmwthv desmotes semua orang tahanan (1), tahanan (1)prisoner 2
1206=1deuteraiov deuteraios lusanya (1)next day 1
1207=1deuteroprwtov deuteroprotos  second after the first 1
1212=4dhlov delos jelas (1), Jelaslah (1), jelaslah (1)bewray + \\4160\\ 1, manifest 1, evident 1, certain 1
1214=3dhmav Demas Demas (3)Demas 3
1215=1dhmhgorew demegoreo berkata (1)make an oration 1
1216=3dhmhtriov Demetrios Demetrius (3)Demetrius 3
1217=1dhmiourgov demiourgos dicipta (1)maker 1
1218=4dhmov demos orang ramai (3), Mereka (1)people 4
1219=4dhmosiov demosios di hadapan orang ramai (2), khalayak ramai (1), umum (1)common 1, openly 1, publicly 2
1221=1dhpote depote 1 words left whatsoever + \\3769\\ 1
1222=1dhpou depou 1 words left verily 1
1224=3diabainw diabaino Marilah (1), menyeberang (1), menyeberangi (1)pass 1, come over 1, pass through 1
1225=1diaballw diaballo diberitahu (1)accuse 1
1226=2diabebaioomai diabebaioomai ditegaskan (1), sepenuhnya (1)affirm 1, affirm constantly 1
1227=2diablepw diablepo penglihatanmu terang (2), terang (1)see clearly 2
1229=3diaggellw diaggello memberitahu (1), mengkhabarkan (1), termasyhur (1)preach 1, signify 1, declare 1
1230=3diaginomai diaginomai kemudian (2), tamat (1)be past 1, after 1, be spent 1
1231=2diaginwskw diaginosko meneliti perkara (1), aku akan menyelesaikan perkara (1)enquire 1, know the uttermost 1
1232=1diagnwrizw diagnorizo  make known abroad 1
1233=1diagnwsiv diagnosis 1 words left hearing 1
1234=2daigogguzw diagogguzo bersungut-sungut (2)murmur 2
1235=1diagrhgorew diagregoreo terjaga (1)be awake 1
1236=2diagw diago kita hidup (1), hidup (1)lead a life + \\979\\ 1, living 1
1237=1diadecomai diadechomai menerimanya (1)come after 1
1238=3diadhma diadema mahkota (3)crown 3
1240=1diadocov diadochos digantikan [2983] (1)come into (one's) room + \\2983\\ 1
1241=3diazwnnumi diazonnumi memakai (1), mengikat ..... pinggang-Nya [2983] (1), pinggang-Nya (1)gird 3
1243=3diairesiv diairesis berbagai-bagai (3)diversity 2, difference 1
1244=2diairew diaireo mengagih-agihkan (1), membahagikan (1)divide 2
1245=2diakayarizw diakatharizo membersihkan (2)throughly purged 2
1246=1diakatelegcomai diakatelegchomai mengalahkan (1)convince 1
1251=1diakouomai diakouomai 1 words left hear 1
1253=3diakrisiv diakrisis membezakan (2), menghakimi (1)discerning 1, discern 1, disputation 1
1254=1diakwluw diakoluo cuba menolak (1)forbid 1
1255=2dialalew dialaleo berbincang (1), tersebar (1)noise abroad 1, commune 1
1257=1dialeipw dialeipo berhenti-henti (1)cease 1
1259=1diallassw diallasso berdamai (1)reconcile 1
1262=1dialuw dialuo kucar-kacir (1)scatter 1
1264=1diamacomai diamachomai dan menegaskan (1)strive 1
1267=1diamerismov diamerismos perpecahan (1)division 1
1268=1dianemw dianemo tersebar (1)spread 1
1269=1dianeuw dianeuo menggunakan isyarat (1)beckoned + \\2258\\ 1
1270=1dianohma dianoema isi hati (1)thought 1
1273=1dianuktereuw dianuktereuo Semalam-malaman (1)continued all night + \\2258\\ 1
1274=1dianuw dianuo  finish 1
1277=1diaplew diapleo Setelah menyeberang (1)sail over 1
1278=2diaponew diaponeo gelisah (1), gusar (1)grieve 2
1281=1diapragmateuomai diapragmateuomai perniagaan (1)gain by trading 1
1282=2diapriw diaprio mereka sangat marah (1), mereka tersangat sakit (1)be cut to the heart 1, be cut 1
1283=4diarpazw diarpazo merampas (2), merompak (1)spoil 4
1285=1diasafew diasapheo Terangkanlah (1), mengadukan (1)tell unto 1
1286=1diaseiw diaseio aniayai (1)do violence to 1
1288=2diaspaw diaspao diserang (1), diputuskannya (1)pluck asunder 1, pull in pieces 1
1289=3diaspeirw diaspeiro bercerai-berai (2), tercerai-berai (1)scatter abroad 3
1290=3diaspora diaspora tinggal merata-rata (1), tersebar (1), perantauan (1)dispersed 1, scatter abroad 1, scattered 1
1292=1diasthma diastema kemudian (1)space 1
1293=3diastolh diastole membezakan (1), terang (1), perbezaan (1)difference 2, distinction 1
1296=2diatagh diatage peraturan (1), disampaikan (1)disposition 1, ordinance 1
1297=1diatgma diatagma perintah (1)commandment 1
1298=1diatarassw diatarasso runsing (1)trouble 1
1300=1diatelew diateleo 1 words left continue 1
1301=2diathrew diatereo menyimpan (1), memeliharakan (1)keep 2
1305=1diatrofh diatrophe makanan (1)food 1
1306=1diaugazw diaugazo fajar menyingsing (1)dawn 1
1307=1diafanhv diaphanes bening (1)transparent 1
1309=1diafeugw diapheugo melarikan diri (1)escape 1
1310=3diafhmizw diaphemizo 1 words leftdisebarkan (1), menyebarkan (1)spread abroad (one's) fame 1, be commonly reported 1, blaze abroad 1
1313=4diaforov diaphoros 1 words leftlebih tinggi (1), lebih cemerlang (1), pelbagai upacara (1)more excellent 2, differing 1, divers 1
1314=1diafulassw diaphulasso menjaga-Mu (1)keep 1
1315=2diaceirizomai diacheirizomai membunuhku (1), bunuh (1)slay 1, kill 1
1316=1diacwrizomai diachorizomai meninggalkan (1)depart 1
1317=2didaktikov didaktikos pandai mengajar (1), berkebolehan mengajar (1)apt to teach 2
1318=3didaktov didaktos 2 words leftajaran (1)which (one) teacheth 2, taught 1
1323=2didracmon didrachmon cukai (2)tribute 1, tribute money 1