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Total: 3999 items
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856=2afedrwn aphedron 2 words left draught 2
857=1afeidia apheidia pengabaian (1)neglecting 1
858=1afelothv aphelotes tulus (1)singleness 1
860=2afh haphe sendi (2)joint 2
864=1afikneomai aphikneomai mengetahui (1)come abroad 1
865=1afil-agayov aphilagathos pembenci kebaikan (1)despiser of those that are good 1
866=2afil-argurov aphilarguros jangan menjadi pencinta wang (1), tidak tamak akan wang (1)not covetous 1, without covetousness 1
867=1afixiv aphixis sepeninggalanku [3450] (1)departing 1
869=3afnw aphno 1 words leftTiba-tiba (2)suddenly 3
870=4afobwv aphobos jangan biarkan dia berasa takut (1), tanpa segan silu (1), tanpa ketakutan (1), tanpa rasa takut (1)without fear 4
871=1afomoiow aphomoioo 1 words left make like 1
872=1aforaw aphorao mengetahui (1), mengarahkan mata (1)look 1
875=2afrizw aphrizo berbuih (2)foam 2
876=1afrov aphros berbuih-buih (1)the (one) foameth again + \\3326\\ 1
877=4afrosunh aphrosune orang bodoh (2), kebodohan (1), bodoh (1)foolishly + \\1722\\ 2, foolishness 1, folly 1
879=1afupnow aphupnoo tertidur (1)fall asleep 1
880=4afwnov aphonos 1 words lefttidak bererti (1), bisu (1), bulunya (1)dumb 3, without signification 1
881=2Acaz Achaz Ahaz (2)Achaz 2
883=2Acaikov Achaikos Akhaikus (1)Achaicus 2
884=2acaristov acharistos tidak bersyukur (1), tidak mengenang jasa (1)unthankful 2
885=2Acim Acheim Akhim (2)Achim 2
886=3aceiro-poihtov acheiropoietos diperbuat tanpa tangan (1), yang tidak diperbuat oleh tangan manusia (1), tanpa menggunakan tangan (1)made without hands 2, not made with hands 1
887=1acluv achlus kabus (1)mist 1
888=2acreiov achreios tidak berguna (1), tidak layak (1)unprofitable 2
889=1acreiow achreioo tidak berguna (1)become unprofitable 1
890=1acrhstov achrestos tidak berguna (1)unprofitable 1
892=2acuron achuron sekam (2)chaff 2
893=1aqeudhv apseudes tidak berdusta (1)that cannot lie 1
894=2aqinyov apsinthos 1 words leftApsintus (1)wormwood 2
895=1aqucov apsuchos benda-benda tidak bernyawa (1)without life 1
896=1Baal Baal Baal (1)Baal 1
898=1baymov bathmos tugas (1)degree 1
900=1bayunw bathuno dalam-dalam (1)dig deep + \\4626\\ 1
901=3bayuv bathus 2 words leftsangat dalam (1), tertidur [5258] (1)deep 2, very early in the morning + \\3722\\ 1
902=1baion baion dahan-dahan (1)branch 1
903=3Balaam Balaam Bileam (3)Balaam 3
904=1Balak Balak Balak (1)Balac 1
905=4balantion balantion dompet (4)purse 3, bag 1
909=4baptismov baptismos membasuh (1), pembaptisan (1), pembasuhan (1)washing 3, baptism 1
911=3baptw bapto dicelupkannya (2), mencelupkan (1)dip 3
913=1barak Barak Barak (1)Barak 1
914=1baraciav Barachias Berekhya (1)Barachias 1
917=2barewv bareos 1 words leftpekakkan (1)dully 2
918=4baryolomaiov Bartholomaios Bartolomeus (4)Bartholomew 4
919=1barihsouv Bariesous Bar-Yusha (1)Barjesus 1
920=1bariwnav Barionas anak Yunus (1)Barjona 1
923=2barsabav Barsabas Barsabas (2)Barsabas 2
924=1bartimaiov Bartimaios Bartimeus (1)Bartimaeus 1
925=1barunw baruno  be overcharged 1
927=1barutimov barutimos 1 words left very precious 1
930=1basanisthv basanistes dihukum (1)tormentor 1
931=3basanov basanos sengsara (1), penderitaan (1), menderita (1)torment 3
933=1basileion basileion  king's court + \\3588\\ 1
934=1basileiov basileios raja (1), di istana (1)royal 1
938=4basilissa basilissa ratu (2), Ratu (2)queen 4
939=1basiv basis kaki (1)foot (sole of) 1
940=1baskainw baskaino menyihirkan (1)bewitch 1
943=1batov batos tong (1)measure 1
944=1batracov batrachos katak (1)frog 1
945=1battologew battologeo curah-curahkan kata-kata yang tidak bermakna (1)use vain repetitions 1
947=1bdeluktov bdeluktos dakwaan (1)abominable 1
948=2bdelussw bdelusso durjana (1), membenci (1)abhor 1, abominable 1
951=2bebaiwsiv bebaiosis meneguhkan (1), pengesahan (1)confirmation 2
953=2bebhlow bebeloo menajiskan (1), melanggar (1)profane 2
955=1belial Belial or beliar Beliar Belial (1)Belial 1
956=1belov belos anak panah (1)dart 1
957=1beltiwn beltion 1 words left very well 1
958=4beniamin Beniamin Benyamin (4)Benjamin 4
959=3bernikh Bernike Bernike (3)Bernice 3
960=2beroia Beroia Beria (2)Berea 2
961=1beroiaiov Beroiaios orang Beria (1)of Berea 1
962=1bhyabara Bethabara  Bethabara 1
964=1bhyesda Bethesda Baithasda (1)Bethesda 1
967=3bhyfagh Bethphage Betfage (3)Bethphage 3
969=1bhrullov berullos firuz (1)beryl 1
970=4bia bia dipukul (1), mengganas (1), kekerasan (1), merampasnya (1)violence 4
971=2biazw biazo memasukinya (1), diserang (1)suffer violence 1, press 1
972=1biaiov biaios 1 words left mighty 1
973=1biasthv biastes orang yang ganas (1)violent 1
974=4bibliaridion bibliaridion gulungan naskhah kecil (2), segulungan naskhah kecil (1)little book 4
977=1bibrwskw bibrosko dimakan (1)eat 1
978=2biyunia Bithunia Bitinia (2)Bithynia 2
980=1biow bioo hidupnya (1)live 1
981=1biwsiv biosis cara hidupku (1)manner of life 1
982=3biwtikov biotikos 1 words lefthal hidup (1), hal ehwal hidup sehari-hari (1)things pertaining to this life 1, things that pertain to this life 1, of this life 1
983=1blaberov blaberos berbahaya (1)hurtful 1
984=2blaptw blapto 1 words leftmencederakannya (1)hurt 2
985=4blastanw blastano tumbuh (2), mengeluarkan (1), bertunas (1)spring up 2, bud 1, bring forth 1
986=1blastov Blastos Blastus (1)Blastus 1
990=1blemma blemma melihat (1)seeing 1
992=2blhteov bleteos harus (1)must be put 2
993=1boanergev Boanerges Boanerges (1)Boanerges 1
995=1boh boe 1 words left cry 1
996=2bohyeia boetheia menolong (1), ikatan tali (1)help 2
998=1bohyov boethos Penolongku (1)helper 1
999=3boyunov bothunos parit (2), lubang (1)ditch 2, pit 1
1000=1bolh bole sepelempar (1)cast 1
1001=2bolizw bolizo 1 words leftdiduga (1)sound 2
1002=1boliv bolis  dart 1
1003=3boov Booz Boas (3)Booz 3