KJV : And thou shalt not uncover <01540> (8762) the nakedness <06172> of thy mother's <0517> sister <0269>, nor of thy father's <01> sister <0269>: for he uncovereth <06168> (8689) his near kin <07607>: they shall bear <05375> (8799) their iniquity <05771>. {uncovereth: Heb. hath made naked}NASB : �You shall also not uncover the nakedness of your mother�s sister or of your father�s sister, for such a one has made naked his blood relative; they will bear their guilt.NASB# : 'You shall also not uncover<1540> the nakedness<6172> of your mother's<517> sister<269> or of your father's<1> sister<269>, for such a one has made<6168> naked<6168> his blood<7607> relative<7607>; they will bear<5375> their guilt<5771>.