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Jeremiah 50:6
Umat-Ku seperti domba yang hilang Gembala-gembalanya membiarkan mereka berkeliaran tersesat di pergunungan Mereka berjalan dari gunung ke bukit mereka lupa akan tempat peristirahatan mereka
<6629> <6> <1961> <5971> <7462> <8582> <2022> <7726> <2022> <413> <1389> <1980> <7911> <7258>
AV: My people <05971> hath been lost <06> (8802) sheep <06629>: their shepherds <07462> (8802) have caused them to go astray <08582> (8689), they have turned them away <07725> (8790) (8675) <07726> [on] the mountains <02022>: they have gone <01980> (8804) from mountain <02022> to hill <01389>, they have forgotten <07911> (8804) their restingplace <07258>. {restingplace: Heb. place to lie down in}